Eugenia Etkina
large enrollment algebra based classes, high school classes, physics teacher preparation and professional development, the founder of the ISLE approach and a few other things

David Brookes
large enrollment algebra based classes, small enrollment calculus based classes in studio format, expert on language, ISLE process, ISLE problems and ISLE assessment

Gorazd Planinsic
courses for pre-service non-physics and physics teachers, expert on the experimental aspects of the ISLE approach and ISLE-based experimental problems, creator of many new types of problems

Mike Gentile
large enrollment algebra-based classes, expert on ISLE-based labs and ISLE-based reflection

Jim Flakker
high school, expert on ISLEazation, AP courses, Website design and maintenance

Suzanne Brahmia
large enrollment calculus based courses for at-risk engineers, expert on mathematical reasoning

Matt Blackman
high school, AP physics, expert on motivation and ISLE computer games

Xueli Zou
small enrollment calculus based classes, expert on ISLE design experiments

Alan Van Heuvelen
Instrumental in the development of ISLE – No longer active